Fun, flexible math programs to sharpen skills and spark creativity this summer!
The main types of classes offered this summer are Math Boost and Competition Math. In both classes kids practice math skills, out-of the box thinking, and problem solving. The focus of the Math Boost class is more on fun math games, logic problems, riddles and is a lively class that students love. Competition Math is a more serious class (with its own share of fun problems!). The emphasis is on presenting kids with various competition problem types to explore different ways of thinking and solving problems. Classes complement each other and many families choose to enroll in both.
By request we also hold Intensive Classes that go through an entire Circle's worth of content in the summer and are essentially "summer school" programs. Use these to patch up gaps or potentially skip grades.
We usually do not run regular circles in the summer. We believe that summer is great time to take a break from routine and rigors of the school year and try something new like our Fun and Competition Math programs! We do however offer "Intensives" over the summer for those students that want to jump ahead. If you have a specific interest for a course, please reach out to us!
Select classes based on the grade level that your child will be in the Fall of 2025. If homeschooling - choose based on the level of math your child will be covering in the fall. We can always adjust level / switch classes later if needed.
Please select the class/grade level you wish to register your child for and click the ‘register’ link next to it. You will be taken to a registration form. Please complete it to register for the class. If you are a current EMC family you can also register for any class through the Parent Portal.
Math Boost and Competition Lessons are once a week. Math Boost classes are 1 hr long and Competition Math 1.5 hrs long. The fee is $40 per class for Fun Math and $50 per class for Competition Math. Payment is collected for the entire session (7 classes.) 20% discount is given off the total session fee if registering for both competition math and fun math lessons.
Classes will be online for the duration of the summer.
We teach in small groups. We will aim for max 6 students per class for the summer ands for our younger groups, a max of 4 students per class. Make-up classes could alter that number occasionally. Any time that the number of kids exceeds the capacity of the class, we will do our best to have another teacher come in and split the kids into two groups.
There are many time slots available for each class type to give parents the flexibility of choosing a summer schedule that works for their family. Each class, however, is only taught once a week, repeating on different days/times. If you register for two math boost classes, your student will be repeating the same material. Please register for one math boost class and one competition math class if you would like a twice per week option.
If you know you will miss a class, please give us 48hr notice to schedule a make-up. You can make up in any of the other available time slots. Each lesson is a standalone class. If your student is registered for fun math they can make up in competition math, and vice versa; space permitting.
In the summer, families pay per session. The session is 7 weeks. Fees are prorated for anyone joining late or has a planned vacation and can not make-up in other groups. If you give us 48hrs notice we can move missed classes to different time slots or credit your tuition for a Fall Circle or Competition Workshop.
Talk to us if you have a vacation planned. We will be able to adjust your enrollment as needed. We can work out make-up days and/or pause enrollment for that period. A week’s notice in writing is required to make any extended vacation related pauses.
Talk to us! We open new groups all the time. 3 kids is the minimum for starting a new group. Invite your friends!
Talk to us! It is easy to switch groups.
We write new curriculum for the summer and the problems will be new and exciting for them. Please register your child for the 3-4 Level again.
This intensive academic program welcomes students year-round and remains flexible to accommodate the progress of each individual student.
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We can build custom programs for individual students that need one-on-one instruction and small groups of friends that want to learn math together.
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We encourage our students to participate in math competitions, both as part of EMC teams and indendently.
We run math competition workshops to help students prepare.
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We host events to support and strengthen the EMC community, and encourage social interactions among our students.
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