fall registration
is now open!

Lessons begin August 22nd, 2022

Online Math Classes
2024-2025 school year program

August - June
Month-to-Month Payments

Advanced K-12 Math Curriculum

Our program goes beyond the normal school curriculum. We prepare our students for and expose them to advanced concepts from Algebra, Geometry, Number Theory, Combinatorics, and other branches of high mathematics. Our curriculum has been meticulously developed and perfected over many years by a team of teachers and curriculum designers.

Math Competition Prep

We actively encourage math competition participation among our students. Lessons are supplemented with engaging problems from math competitions like Math Kangaroo, Noetic, and other Math Olympiads. Our students participate in these and other math tournaments, such as MOEMS and MathCounts, bringing home fantastic results!

Groups Matched by Skill Level

While EMC students learn, practice, and master everything that is needed for their current grade level, students are grouped by knowledge and skill level, assessed during initial and ongoing evaluations. Our long-term students usually advance to learning material 1-2 grade levels above their school grade level.

Collaborative Environment

Instructors keep multi-directional communication going throughout the lessons. Students learn teamwork and leadership skills as they teach, inspire each other, and rise to challenges together. The environment allows them to safely examine their own thought process, discover strengths and weaknesses, make mistakes, and ask for help when they need it.

Groups and Levels

Knowledge, perseverance and skill are much more important to us than a student’s age or grade level. We use our evaluations to place students in the correct groups that are balanced in academic abilities and social behavior. If you ever feel your student is in the wrong group, we will work with you to find the right level, time, teacher and social dynamics to help your student succeed!

Circles 0 through 6

Students in these levels use EMC's custom developed curriculum, including online lessons and homework. This curriculum challenges our students to think differently about Math throughout Kindergarten to Grade 6. EMC Circles help students ease into challenging curriculum at any point by joining the right Circle.

Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry and Pre-Calculus

Our upper level students use the Art of Problem Solving books as their textbook. EMC has our own online curriculum to accompany these textbooks and help students through the challenging AoPS textbooks. At EMC, we want to challenge our upper level students while including an engaging online experience.

Circle 0 is a perfect head start for students ages 4 to 6 who have little to no experience counting and combining numbers beyond 10. If your child is looking for an introduction to math concepts like addition, subtraction and use of variables, as well as learning to be a student in an online class, this is a great place to start!

Circle 1 will extend your child’s exposure to algebraic thinking and problem solving. Recommended for students ages 5 to 7 who can count, add, and subtract within 0 through 20. Students will expand their addition and subtraction skills by learning place value within numbers 0-100, and will learn to borrow and carry.

Circle 2 lays the foundation for multiplication and division with skip counting and an introduction to fractions, and introduces multiple strategies for adding and subtracting with numbers 0-1000 while building problem-solving skills. Recommended for students ages 5 to 8 who can add and subtract within 2 digits, skip count by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s, and solve for an unknown in simple 1-step equations.

CIRCLES 0 '24-'25 syllabus
Circle 0 schedule
CIRCLES 1 '24-'25 syllabus
Circle 1 schedule
CIRCLES 2 '24-'25 syllabus
Circle 2 schedule

* All times listed are in PST.

** Tuition fees are listed for an average month of 4 weeks. EMC bills only for the lessons held, therefore tuition will vary each month according to the number of lessons held in that particular month, calculated based on the weekly cost of each circle. Please refer to the Academic Year Programs page for the weekly cost of each circle.

If you can’t find suitable time for you please contact us

Circle 3 will help your child to develop number sense and apply this to mental calculations strategies for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. Students will learn to multiply and divide by one digit, and will build on our foundation in fractions. Recommended for students ages 6 to 9 who can distinguish between place value, count, add, and subtract within 3 digits, can solve for an unknown in 1-step equations, and can halve and double.

Circle 4
will challenge your child to think algebraically while developing arithmetic skills. Students will set up simple equations from word problems and solve them, while developing our multiplication and division skills (long division and multiplication) and an introduction to distributing and factoring! Recommended for students ages 7 to 10 who can comfortably add and subtract within 3 digits, multiply and divide within the 10x10 table, and compare fractions and add fractions with the same denominator.

Circle 5
will lead your child to explore the concepts of factors, prime factorization, and powers, opening the doors to manipulating numbers, fractions, and expressions for years to come! We also build on order of operations and integers, and introduce probability while solving application problems. Recommended for students ages 8 to 11 who are comfortable adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing within 3 digits, can understand order of operations with basic operands and parentheses, and add simple fractions with unlike denominators.

Circle 6 will prepare your child for Pre-Algebra and Algebra, with an emphasis on understanding ratios and proportions, exponents and their laws, and working with rational numbers. Problem solving includes solving multi-step equations using inverse operations, solving simple systems of equations, and using the Pythagorean Theorem. Recommended for students 9 to 12 who are comfortable with arithmetic in 4 digits, squaring numbers, manipulating fractions and performing calculations with fractions, and working with negative numbers.

CIRCLES 3 '24-'25 syllabus
Circle 3 schedule
CIRCLES 4 '24-'25 syllabus
Circle 4 schedule
CIRCLES 5 '24-'25 syllabus
Circle 5 schedule
CIRCLES 6 '24-'25 syllabus
Circle 6 schedule

* All times listed are in PST.

** Tuition fees are listed for an average month of 4 weeks. EMC bills only for the lessons held, therefore tuition will vary each month according to the number of lessons held in that particular month, calculated based on the weekly cost of each circle. Please refer to the Academic Year Programs page for the weekly cost of each circle.

If you can’t find suitable time for you please contact us

Pre-Algebra will ready your child for a rigorous Algebra course, through learning problem-solving techniques and common algorithms, solving problems using properties of arithmetic, fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, rates, proportions, complex unit conversions, number theory, geometry, and statistics. Recommended for middle school students who are comfortable with all arithmetic operations with the entire set of rational numbers and using variables in expressions and equations.
Required Textbook: Art of Problem Solving: Pre-Algebra
Required for: Algebra A

pre-algebra '24-'25 syllabus

What to Expect

  • Instruction starts in September, runs for 38 weeks, and ends in June. Students can join the program at any time.

  • Groups of 4-6 students meet online twice a week for two 55-minute sessions, or once a week for 85 minutes. 85-minute sessions are available on the weekends.

  • Lessons are conducted in a relaxed, conversational manner, rather than the traditional one-way lecture format. They consist of homework questions, problem-solving with the group, and math competition practice.

  • Students will need to purchase digital or physical books through the Art of Problem Solving.

  • Homework requirements can be modified upon parent request.

If you can’t find suitable time for you please contact us.

Pre-Algebra schedule

* All times listed are in PST.

** Tuition fees are listed for an average month of 4 weeks. EMC bills only for the lessons held, therefore tuition will vary each month according to the number of lessons held in that particular month, calculated based on the weekly cost of each circle. Please refer to the Academic Year Programs page for the weekly cost of each circle.

If you can’t find suitable time for you please contact us

Algebra A is for students who have completed Pre-Algebra and are fluent with operations and exponents, and know how to manipulate expressions and equations algebraically. Students will learn to solve systems of equations, graph linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, identify special factorizations, and work with irrational numbers, in the context of discovery and problem-solving.
Required Textbook: Art of Problem Solving: Introduction to Algebra
Required for: Algebra B

algebra a '24-'25 syllabus
Algebra A schedule

Algebra B is for students who have completed Algebra A (or Algebra 1) and are fluent with systems of equations, linear and quadratic equations and their graphs, and rational and irrational numbers. Students will derive and use the formulas for conic sections, learn to graph and solve for the roots of quadratics and higher-order polynomials, gain confidence in using functions (including polynomials, logarithms and exponentials), and sequences and series.
Required Textbook: Art of Problem Solving: Intermediate Algebra

algebra b '24-'25 syllabus
Algebra B schedule

What to Expect

  • Instruction starts in September, runs for 38 weeks, and ends in June. Students can join the program at any time.

  • Groups of 4-6 students meet online twice a week for two 55-minute sessions, or once a week for 85 minutes. 85-minute sessions are available on the weekends.

  • Lessons are conducted in a relaxed, conversational manner, rather than the traditional one-way lecture format. They consist of homework questions, problem-solving with the group, and math competition practice.

  • Homework requirements can be modified upon parent request.   

  • Homework requirements can be modified upon parent request.

Required Textbook: Art of Problem Solving: Introduction to Algebra

* All times listed are in PST.

** Tuition fees are listed for an average month of 4 weeks. EMC bills only for the lessons held, therefore tuition will vary each month according to the number of lessons held in that particular month, calculated based on the weekly cost of each circle. Please refer to the Academic Year Programs page for the weekly cost of each circle.

If you can’t find suitable time for you please contact us

Geometry is for students who have completed Algebra A or an equivalent introduction to algebra course. Students should be fluent with the pythagorean theorem, manipulating expressions and solving equations involving irrational numbers and simplifying radicals before joining this class. Students will learn common constructions of Euclidean geometry including simple polygons and circles, logical proofs and thinking, 3-D surfaces and polyhedra, analytical geometry, and an introduction to trigonometry and trigonometric functions.
Required Textbook: Art of Problem Solving: Introduction to Geometry

geometry '24-'25 syllabus

Geometry B:

What to Expect

  • Instruction starts Instruction starts August 22nd 2022, runs for 37 weeks, and ends in June. Students can join the program at any time.

  • Groups of 6-8 students meet online twice a week for two 55-minute sessions, or once a week for a total of 2 hours.

  • Lessons are conducted in a relaxed, conversational manner, rather than the traditional one-way lecture format. They consist of homework questions, problem-solving with the group, and math competition practice.

  • Students will need to purchase digital or physical books through the Art of Problem Solving.

  • Homework requirements can be modified upon parent request.   

Geometry schedule

* All times listed are in PST.

** Tuition fees are listed for an average month of 4 weeks. EMC bills only for the lessons held, therefore tuition will vary each month according to the number of lessons held in that particular month, calculated based on the weekly cost of each circle. Please refer to the Academic Year Programs page for the weekly cost of each circle.

If you can’t find suitable time for you please contact us

This half-year course starting on January 26th is meant for students ages 13 to 17 who have completed, at a minimum, the Common Core (or equivalent) curriculum for Grade 8, including an Algebra 2 equivalent course and an Introductory Geometry equivalent course.  Students will study: circular and triangular relationships, radians, trigonometric functions and their graphs, parts of waves, transformations of waves, trigonometric identities and apply trigonometric equations to solve triangles and complex geometric problems.

TRIGONometry '24-'25 syllabus

Geometry B:

What to Expect

  • Instruction starts Instruction starts August 22nd 2022, runs for 37 weeks, and ends in June. Students can join the program at any time.

  • Groups of 6-8 students meet online twice a week for two 55-minute sessions, or once a week for a total of 2 hours.

  • Lessons are conducted in a relaxed, conversational manner, rather than the traditional one-way lecture format. They consist of homework questions, problem-solving with the group, and math competition practice.

  • Students will need to purchase digital or physical books through the Art of Problem Solving.

  • Homework requirements can be modified upon parent request.   

Trigonometry schedule

* All times listed are in PST.

** Tuition fees are listed for an average month of 4 weeks. EMC bills only for the lessons held, therefore tuition will vary each month according to the number of lessons held in that particular month, calculated based on the weekly cost of each circle. Please refer to the Academic Year Programs page for the weekly cost of each circle.

If you can’t find suitable time for you please contact us

Pre-Calculus is for students who have completed Algebra B (or Algebra 2) and Geometry or an Integrated Math program that covers both. Students should be able to manipulate polynomials, complex numbers and solve for missing variables, and know the areas of simple geometric shapes given their points on a Cartesian plane before joining this course. Students will learn trigonometric functions, different coordinate systems including polar and exponential forms, and how to use and operate with vectors and matrices up to 3x3.
Required Textbook: Art of Problem Solving: Pre-Calculus by Richard Rusczyk
Required for: Calculus

pre-calculus '24-'25 syllabus
Pre-Calculus schedule

* All times listed are in PST.

** Tuition fees are listed for an average month of 4 weeks. EMC bills only for the lessons held, therefore tuition will vary each month according to the number of lessons held in that particular month, calculated based on the weekly cost of each circle. Please refer to the Academic Year Programs page for the weekly cost of each circle.

If you can’t find suitable time for you please contact us

Calculus is for students who have completed Pre-Calculus. Students should know how to work with trigonometric functions, different coordinate systems including polar and exponential forms, and vectors and matrices up to 3x3 before joining this course. Students will learn limits, continuity, derivatives and their applications, definite and indefinite integrals, infinite sequences and series, plane curves, polar coordinates, and basic differential equations.
Required Textbook: Art of Problem Solving: Calculus by David Patrick

Calculus schedule

* All times listed are in PST.

** Tuition fees are listed for an average month of 4 weeks. EMC bills only for the lessons held, therefore tuition will vary each month according to the number of lessons held in that particular month, calculated based on the weekly cost of each circle. Please refer to the Academic Year Programs page for the weekly cost of each circle.

If you can’t find suitable time for you please contact us

Tuition & Fees for 2024-2025

Cost breakdown

$38 for 55 min of instruction per week  

$58 for 85 min of instruction per week  

$63 for 100 min of instruction per week

$68 for 115 min of instruction per week

Time commitment per circle/class

Circle 0-1: 55 min once a week

Circle 2: 55 min twice a week or 85 min once a week

Circles 3 & 4: 55 min twice a week or 115 min once a week 

Circles 5 & 6 & Pre Algebra: 55 min twice a week or 100 min once a week

Alg A/B, Geo, Pre Calc, Calc: 55 min twice a week or 115 min once a week

Annual registration fee

$50 fee for all students

Tuition is billed monthly and is due on the first of the month for the upcoming month. It is based on the number of lessons held during the month, taking holidays into account. There are no long-term commitments, but we do ask for a 30-day notice when withdrawing.

More EMC Programs


Our Summer Fun and Summer Competition programs are designed to work together or separately to keep students engaged throughout the summer.

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We can build custom programs for individual students that need one-on-one instruction and small groups of friends that want to learn math together.

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& Events

We host workshops and events to prepare students for math competitions, strengthen the EMC community, and encourage social interactions among our students.

Learn more

Sign your child up today and see
their love of math blossom!

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Register now through the end of the school year and we willl waive your registration fee!
Don’t miss this chance to join EMC and start learning with no extra costs.
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