Using Bar Models to Master Subtraction with Compensation

Bar models are a fantastic tool to make subtraction clearer and more fun! In the Compensation Strategy, we adjust numbers to even tens, and bar models help us visualize this adjustment. Each bar represents a number, and by comparing bar lengths, we can easily see how numbers relate. For example, if you’re subtracting 38 from 92, draw a bar for 92 and another for 38. Adjust the 38 bar to an even 40 (making it easier to subtract) and then add the 2 back afterward.

By using bar models, subtraction becomes a visual and interactive process. They’re especially helpful for seeing the “big picture” of numbers and understanding how Compensation works step by step.

Ready to practice? Download our free guide with colorful bar graph examples to try it yourself!

EMC Guide - Substraction, Bar Models

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