Rounding numbers is a helpful way to estimate when we don’t need an exact answer. By rounding, we get a number that’s close to the real one, making math quicker and easier. To round to the nearest place value, like tens or hundreds, we simply look at the digit to the right. If that digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, we round down; if it’s 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, we round up. This way, we find a nearby number that’s easy to work with but still close to the real value.
For example, if we round 47 to the nearest ten, we look at the 7 in the ones place. Since 7 is greater than 5, we round up, giving us 50. If we round 42, the 2 in the ones place means we round down to 40. Our free downloadable guide includes examples and practice problems to help you master rounding in no time. Download it below to start learning how to round like a pro!