Free Online Math Evaluation

12:00 pm
12:00 pm

An evaluation is a free hour-long meeting with one of the EMC teachers. Evaluations are conducted online, over Zoom. At EMC, the groups are small, so we make it a priority to ensure comparable levels of math skills and psychological compatibility within a group. During this hour, our teacher will spend 30 to 40 minutes with the child solving math problems of various difficulty and skill to assess math level and find any gaps, if present. We look at their math skills, understanding, and application, but also their "soft skills" (how do they deal with challenges? can they verbalize their solutions? are they mostly guessing & checking to arrive at answers or use logical steps? etc). During this time parents are welcome to stay to watch how we work with kids, but are not required to be present. The last 15-20 minutes of the meeting is spent answering parent’s questions and giving them feedback and recommendations.

Please note: We always ask parents to tell their kid that this meeting is a lesson and not an exam they will be graded for. Your child should not be worried or nervous about the session. Our aim is to assess the future student’s areas of strength and see how we can improve those where they feel less confident.

About us

We are an after-school custom math education program with small live online classes, designed to help children K-12 strengthen their math skills. Our mission is to lay the foundation for our students' long-term academic success. 

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact us at (408) 599-2663 or

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Register for regular EMC classes in February and receive TWO WEEKS FREE to kick off your math journey!
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